Bohemian Starlet

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

London Burlesque Games 2012

I joined in on the fun this weekend and was part of the London Burlesque Games, the British Female Crown.

It was quite an unusual show to be a part of as it was a competition, and I have never been in a competition and i'll be honest, I didn't particularly like that aspect of it, it made me feel incredibly nervous and a really strange sensation knowing that I was being judged.

But bah, got over it once I started my act, however the stage was a little slippy and this hindered my pointe work, so I wasn't as steady on my feet and felt a little restricted on my movements.

I performed my Forgotten Ballerina, I know I have done this act for a long time and I probably should have done something newer, but I did it because I thought it would be something I know and would enjoy, it went down really well the week earlier at Torture Garden and with the fire I thought would express my style the best.

... fire breather Billie Rae indulges in poise and elegance as a clockwork music box ballerina

C.J Lazeratti
full review find here...

I had a great time backstage with some of my favourite ladies. Suri Sumatra, who performed a film noir femme fatale act, I didn't see it but her pics look great.
Fifi Fatale, reeow, what a vamp! Bettsie Bon Bon, (third runner up) and of coarse the lovely Chi Chi revolver, one of my best chums, she kept me very entertained on the train home too.

The winner of the Female Crown was Eliza Delite, who performed a Virgin Mary Pierre et Gilles inspired act and the second runner up was Venus Noir, she performed a wicked spider routine with some ingenious costume removals and some unusual props.

You can find my video here from the show...

Now, my next show as part of a Festival is Australia!! x

Friday, 11 May 2012

La Bordello Boheme - Taboo in the Big Top

It finally arrived, our La Bordello Boheme Taboo in the Big Top!

Tuesday night we put together our biggest show yet, myself and Veronica Blacklace spent a long time putting this little baby together, and boy was it worth our time.

We had the pleasure of working with Phil Gandey, from Lady Boys of Bangkok, Chinese State and so many more high profile large scale shows and events. He let us use his tent for one night and we got very excited and were VERY happy to take it on.

The stage itself was amazing, better than any venue we've used, the lights, the sound and the option to have aeriel was such a treat,

We had a cracking line up too,

Beau Rocks quite literally mesmerised our crowd with her immense body, blonde bombshell looks and her incredible burlesque striptease.

Amelie Soliel and Edd Muir from Frayed knot, my two fabourite little poeople. ;) Edd performed a very impressive Chinese pole act and a duo whip act with the lovely Amelie, and Amelie performed her epic serpentine dance. Both great people.

Adriano Fettucini stepped in for us, which we were so pleased about, we wanted to book him originally but he was busy, then he was available and we'd already booked all our acts, but British Heart wasn't able to make it, so we were blessed with Count Adriano and his wonderful uni cycle!!

Chi Chi Revolver, amazing and gorgeous and always Brilliant!!!

Kitty Peels performed an effortless and delicate silks act whilst Veronica sang her heart out.

And of course our favourite lads performed some well loved Swing to our audiences.

Veronica performed her debut of her singing in the Aerial hoop and she was F**king amazing, the lights on her, her costume and her voice was honestly brilliant!!

We also debuted our little peice we did together, I sand whilst Veronica played the Piano, it was completely terrifing, I was soooo nervous!! So So unbelievably nervous. But Veronica made me fee alot better, just before the curtains opened she was making me laugh, which made it much better...sort of.

I also performed my Lonely Goatherd and My ziegfeld carnie...

It was so much fun and our crowd were great and all our guys helping with sound lights and backstage. We couldn't have done it without them!

Siamese Twin act with Missy Fatale

Myself and the lovely Missy Fatale performed our Siamese Twin routine last week at The Double R club, a great night put on by the fabulous Rose Thorne and Benjamin Louche,
It was set in the wonderful venue of the Bethnal Green Workings Men Club, it does sound like an awful place, and kind of is with it's sticky carpet, and chairs from the Shining, but I think that's what gives it it's charm. A perfect place to have a David Lynch inspired Cabaret show.

The other acts in the line up were...
Lydia Darling performing a strange tango needle dance
Matt Fraser and Trix Malish a really creepy and strange act with prosthetic arms and lots of fake blood
Bettsie Bon Bon sexy green exotic buxom temptress

An this is terrible because I can't remember their names but there was a quick change elvis act that was on just before me so I didn't get to see it,  and then there was a strange duo acts with singing and ballet and the drunk, jilted lady who sang and drank. She was great.

Here are some pics from the show, we are taking this act over to Oz too.

Looking forward to it!


Missy takes a drag and I blow it out, cool hey? x x

Torture Garden Birthday Ball 2012

I had the pleasure of being invited to perform for Torture Garden this May at their Birthday Ball in London,

I have never been to a TG event before and crikey do they put some effort in, the whole venue was a warren of little play dens, big props and projected visuals on most walls. I performed in the 'Ballroom' stage, which had the walls draped in red fabrics, i thought it looked like the inside of a womb, so called it womb room for the rest of the night.

The gorgeous Julietta La Doll and Eden Berlin performed a really interesting act together, which involved rope play, flash lights and and a bit of naughtiness.
I also got to see one of my favourite ladies, Suri Sumatra, strut her stuff as part of the fashion show on the mainstage.
And of course the delightful Benjamin Louche was the MC of the night and kept me entertained for the evening.


Thursday, 3 May 2012

Up coming shows for 2012

  • May 3rd The Magical Mystery Berry Supper Club - The Mesmerist Brighton
  • May 5th Torture Garden - Coronet Theatre London
  • May 6th Private Party - Brighton
  • May 8th La Bordello Boheme - Taboo in the Big Top! Brighton
  • May 12th London Burlesque Games - London
  • May 17th The Magical Mystery Berry Supper Club - The Mesmerist Brighton
  • May 18th fly to Australia
  • May 25th Perth show
  • May 26th Perth Show
  • May 27th Dr. Sketchys Perth
  • May 28th / 3rd June West Coast Tour
  • June 12th arrive back into UK
  • June 15th Carnival Divine  - Manchester
  • June 16th Gypsy Hotel - London
  • June 19th Brickhouse Starts with La Bordello Boheme
  • June 23rd - Torture Garden Brighton
  • June 19th to July 21st Brickhouse London with La Bordello Boheme
  • July 26th/29th Hamberg

The Humming Bird

I have been doing this routine for a while but never got it filmed,
So here is a little peak of my Humming Bird Routine, it does also go into fire but that isn't in this unfortunately, also  the music has changed over time and can sometimes be some Sidney Bechet, but with this one I used a sexay version of 'Trust in Me' from the Jungle Book.

Enjoy xxx