Bohemian Starlet

Friday, 10 June 2011

Aloha! Tiki

I am very excited about this event next week that I have put together, June 18th at the Brighton Ballrooms, there is one hell of a line up with some incredible acts!

Missy Malone
Cherry Shakewell
Coco Deville
Billie Rae
Daisy Deluxe
Sukki Singapora

Trixy Vixen
DJ Blue Rango!

I will be performing my Giant humming Bird and jumping into a big illuminated flower full of golden nectar and glitter, I may even incorporate some Fire for this show. I'm also working on my newest creation, it's still a secret at the moment, but it's big and white and involves a lot of faux white fur. I can't wait!

I am also helping coco next week make a fruit hat for her act, that will be fun and she'll pull it off so well.


  1. oh by jolly! you are such a goddess! when are you coming to the states to perform, preferably Los Angles! i must see you perform!

  2. Thank you Sib, no plans as of yet, but hope to one day get over there x
