Bohemian Starlet

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Day of The Dead

We did a corporate gig in London and the theme was day of the dead!
Loved it!!

Tigz Rice Shoot

I had a lovely day in the studio with Tigz Rice shooting my Majorette and parachute act, we were then joined by my evil twin Missy Fatale and we shot some pics for our siamese twin act. This is the act we took over to Australia too, I wonder where it will go next...

I can't wait to see the rest.
Thumnails are from Tigz instagrams.

Taboo in the Big Top Newcastle

We took our show La Bordello Boheme all the way up to Newcastle and once again used the Lady Boys of Bangkoks Circus Tent for our show Taboo in the Big Top.

It was a great show. We had the gorgeous Edd Muir, he did a cowboy and rope act as well as our firm favourite, his diet coke pole routine. We had the wonderful and sparkly Carrie Ann O'Dell who wowed our audience with her Dita Von Teese style acts, big feathers and of course her giant martini glass, which she splashed and posed in for all of our pleasure. We also had the ever so wonderful Mr Mistress perform with us, he did his green willy gypsy one and his do it like a dude, he really went down a storm in there. And of course we had ChiChi Revovler!! Our hula hooping princess. How I love her! And Veronica Blacklace, VBL performed her hoop again, absolutely brilliant!

I debuted two acts. Having been a bit ill and not having time to fully practise, this was probably a bad idea, but I did it none the less.

My Majorette...

And my Parachute, I can wait to play with this act and develop it more!!

Thursday, 13 September 2012

Drawing Brighton

Drawing Brighton is a life drawing class set up by the lovely Kate Shields ( who also plays the saw may I add )

It's run weekly as a 6 week course and is held at Brighton Artist Residence Hotel, which is a sort of live in residency for the artists and also a hotel.

They invite different people down each week, from performers, other artists and just your average Joe's, and they sit and draw them.

I'll admit, they initial idea of 3 15min poses and then 2 30mins whilst not feeling very well was a little daunting, but as soon as I did my first one, I felt fine and even the 2 30minute poses were actually fine too. Strangely soothing, even tho I got a bit chilly and cramped on the last one.

Yes I do look mardy, but try smiling for 30mins, no way.

It was a real pleasure tho, weirdly, being drawn with such detail, looking at their drawings afterwards I could see that there were bits of my costume that all had drawn and they were bits I wouldn't even consider as being the main pieces. I also have realised that I look A LOT like my mother.

Here is one of Kate's drawings from the last sitting.

Find more on Drawing Brighton...

Aseries of weekly portrait sittings with contemporary Brighton individuals.
Held at the Artist Residence Hotel, 33 Regency Square, Brighton. Wednesdays, 7-9pm.

I'm not sure if Kate will run this again any time soon, but get in touch with her if you'd be interested.



All I should really say about Bestival is that it was amazing, I was there last year and it was really hard work, but this year, it was brilliant.

I worked with the wonderful guys from Slamboree who are a big old band of roustabouts and carnie folk, they all play some kind of strange instrument and dress up like a bizarre disturbing circus troupe and yes do they know how to have a good time, they got the crowd going and it was great fun and a real pleasure to be involved in.

We did three sets over the Fri and Sat night (which left Sunday for me to party) the first was on the Arcadia stage. Which is two chaps Burt and Pip's weird firey, pyro spider lemon zester gone wrong... but so right.

 It didn't have it's big legs this year, but was still a big ball of flaming goodness.
They also had on here a man called John Monty, I think it was John, anyway Monty man, he was utterly mad. He climbed about 300ft in the air on a pole and then proceeded to wobble it, do hand stands at the top and whilst doing so made everyone on the floor literally squirm and yelp as he moved himself about up in the stars. He was bonkers.
I also had a lovely moment on this stage, whilst dancing the track then changed to 'you can't always get what you want' which is a song that me and my Gruff have a little thing for, and as I was thinking aaw it's our song, I then looked up and as the crowd of hundreds parted there was my Gruff stood right there looking up at me, made me very happy.

Okay mooshy love stuff over...

We also performed later that night on the Polka stage, which is a great place to go and get your oompah on... and I did.

On the Saturday night we were then in the Club Dada Spiegeltent. Such a beautiful old thing!!

It was a really good energy and I performed to a mix of Yan Tiersen's Amelie as the band played and Mike mixed in a beat, it was a really nice mix of old sound and new. I think my highlight was Zorba the greek remix and watching everyone go mental for it.

I also had my picture taken from a lady from Vogue for the Festival fashion thing, so if you see my pic anywhere let me know. 

If you were at Bestival this year I think you'll agree, when the weather is nice it truly is a wonderful festival to be involved in.

Fingers crossed Glastonbury will be as nice for next year!!