Bohemian Starlet

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


I don't know if you've seen this yet, but I re did my website a while ago.


Tigz Rice images 2012

Tigz and I shot these a couple of months ago but they were well worth the wait! Thanks Tigz, love them!

Swarovski in Zurich

I flew to Zurich over the weekend to do a show for Swarovski, yes that's right SWAROVSKI aaaaah! I was very excited to be asked to do the parachute and I made sure I covered myself in my own crystals to be extra sparkly. (No goodie bags tho, booo)

The event was in a large out of use train station, all the seats, the track and the clock were still in there, it was brilliantly grand.

I don't have any other pics yet.

It was snowing and felt really christmassy! Loved it x

White Mink

I love working with White Mink, since living in Brighton I have done lots of things with them over the years, Nick Hollywood is a great DJ and puts on a great show!

Stacks of talent across the night and my lovely chum Tarik came to keep me company and waft my parachute.



I performed at Trixi Malilicious and Matt Fraser's infamous Sleaze! Such a good little show, it was very relaxed and very chilled out and the acts were great!
  Miss Cairo Mascara was honestly one of the most captivating gog dancers I even saw her willy in a box, then there was Lolo Brow who performed a routine to whatever song came on shuffle, Mr Mistress (one of my favourite girlboys) performed a reverse strip and Fred Bear as a twisted Santa!
And of course there was fun and larks from the audience members and the wonderful hosts Trixi and Matt.
I performed my Lonely Goatherder, it was a lot of fun!

Photos by John Bland

Tuesday, 4 December 2012


Suri Sumatra and Mr Pustra were amongst the merry band of crazy circus folk that I was with over in Luxembourg.

We did a show for a high end swanky club as a medley of circus freaks, strong men and odd bods!

Mr Pustra, Andromeda Circus, Billie Rae and Suri Sumatra!

Mr Pustra and James from Wicked Fascinations. 

Morning perks from the 5star hotel we were put up in! I very much enjoyed my morning lounge with Pustra and Suri.


Saturday Dec 2nd Neon Moon

Missy Fatale and I made our way over to Cambridge for Neon Moon, the gorgeous Cherry and Ruby put on one hell of a show in a big old Manor house.

We spent the day filming a promo video for our Siamese twin act, it was really fun and interesting shooting with live film, I was able to be more interactive and we captured movements as well as the stills.

We projected images onto us, we used Svankmeyjers Alice which I used last month on my parachute, it's a film that I have been bought up with from a baby, so it was really nice to use it in my own film.

We then performed later in the evening for the guests, they were dressed in ball gowns and looked incredible.

My Gruff also came for the night and we spent the evening in one of the many beautiful bedrooms of the manor house. We had a really nice evening. Thanks Cath, you put on a grand show!!!

Voodoo Deluxe Nov 24th

I performed in Milan last weekend with the wonderful guys at Voodoo Deluxe, Gypsy Wood and Armitage Shanks.

It is always a really nice show in Milan as everyone in the audience at Salon Parisien are always so responsive and friendly, they really make and effort and are always a pleasure to perform in front of.

I performed 3 of my newest acts, The lonely Goatherder, The Majorette and my Parachute act.

Here are some pictures from the show.

I'm carrying a bit of weight still from my gluttonous ways in Singapore, look at the belly!!



I performed at Die Freches Muse's Factory Party on Friday.

It was in the middle of nowhere and had I not have seen Trixy Malicious on her way there I would have been royally lost. 
But because of it's strange positioning and back end feel, it had a pretty good Factory Party feel, very hedonistic and bohemian. 
The guests of the party had made such a huge effort and all looked like little Edie Sedgwicks and beatniks.

I performed an act inspired by Heroin, I had my silver isis wings and long hair extensions and tried to get a kind of free love, hippy chic look.
I walked on with a cigarette hidden behind my wings to look like I was chasing the dragon.
I then went into some fire with it.
It was good fun, I love doing acts that are specific to a show, it makes me try things I wouldn't normally do.

60s make up and a  BIG CHIN?

Trixy Malicious performed a UV body paint, she looked gorgeous covered in amazing UV colours, I sprayed her nudey body. The audience loved it.

Fancy Chance also performed a Heroin inspired act, but it was very different to mine, she covered herself and a range of different sized inflatable bananas in tin foil, and proceeded to unravel them to a strange mix of velvet underground, elvis ranting and a projection of Andy Warhol eating a beef burger.
It was amazing.