Bohemian Starlet

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Torture Garden Halloween Ball

What a show! I love doing TG as it means you can do something a little out of the ordinary!
  I did my big parachute act, and this time, I bought my chums! I had Chichi and her husband Sam, Veronica Blacklace and her sister Anna help me, they wafted it (to perfection) and chichi and Veronica got under it to create erotic shadows and projections.

We went in early in the day and spent a while rigging up lights and getting it just right. It worked quite well. Atleast I hope it did.

Here is a video. I managed to get the lovely Mr Pustra to hold the camera for me, but it was a little crowded so he had to stand pretty much on the stage with me, but it give a good indication of the effect we were going for...

Mr Pustra and Vicky Butterfly also performed, Pustra wore this epic headdress and did an act about decadence, gluttony and it was so darn sexy. He had Vicky walk on with him too and cover him in grapes. Very moody and hypnotic.
Vicky performed an act about cocaine, filling little balloons with talc she then stabbed them creating a big explosion of white powder. Her mask that she used was really effective. Found both acts really inspiring.
And of course Benjamin Louche was there! I really think he is one of the best comperes, his strange use of a mega phone is so perfect for his Lynchian character. Rose was also there, his wife to be!!

Thank you to Chichi, Veronica,  Sam and Anna for all your help xxxx

Florian Stafollani

I did a show earlier this year in France with Isobel Mosser, and it was at an art deco cinema that was closing down, we were the last show in there, it was a great line up, Xarah von de Veligregen, Lada Redstar, Lily Deslys Miss Anthropy and Marawa the hula hooper!

This is a series of the photographs from Florian Staffolina.


Cirque madness

I have been performing at Cirque over the last month, it's great mid week madness. I haven't got any pics of it yet, but we have been installing my giant parachute dress with a fan underneath it, and it looks amazing in the little window.

A little pic from the Cirque photo booth!

Cracking Line up with Mr Pustra, Marnie Scarlet, Jonny Woo and Missy Macabre and Lexi Lee were also there, lots of weirdness that night. In a good way of course!

Creepy Doll at this weeks Halloween Cirque du Soir.

Neon Moon

I will be performing at this in Dec. I'm also getting to spend the night in a big stately home where it's being held, also Missy Fatale and I will be doing another photoshoot of our siamese twin act

Pin up Party!

We had a very interesting night at cirque du Soirs Pin up party.

I quite enjoyed doing the 50s hair and putting on some high waisted panties and stockings! It was good fun as well as I had me best pal Chichi with me!

We also got to keep the amazing cats eye shades! Sexy!

I kept my curlers in all day and hair sprayed the hell out of my barnet, BUT STILL it flopped and went all lank by the ned of the night. I have no idea how those bombshells back in the day did it! 

Tuesday, 16 October 2012


I was flown over to New York for a secret show. It was a mad weekend of flights, dancing and site seeing. I only had a day, but  I got to see a few bits. I love New York, can't wait to be back there again!!

Tigz Rice

Cirque Du Soir

I have been working at cirque du Soir recently, and it's been quite good fun, I am really enjoying dressing up and performing with a really good bunch of people.

I have worked with some great people over the last couple of weeks, such as Red Sarah in her latex Betty Boop. Mr Pustra, Lexi Lee, Marnie Scarlet, Missy Macabre and Jonny Woo and many more wonderful people!!

I have been a living doll, a clown and a toy soldier. Great fun!