Bohemian Starlet

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

British Burlesque in New York!

La Bordello Boheme 
were invited to do a show in New York at Roy Arias Theatres in Time Square! So Veronica Blacklace, myself and the incredible ChiChi Revolver, set sale west and boy oh boy did we have some fun...

The shows were great too,
We had Tiny D all the way from Brooklyn
Rosie Kohl half Brit, half New yorker
and Calamity Gin, she's as British as the Queen!!

We stayed in a really cool apartment that had black walls and an industrial feel, it also had some cockroaches, but apparently that's New York and they're everywhere.

We had some amazing nights, we went to a hip hop MC battle...

We saw the statue of liberty

I also went to see my Gruff in Florida

It was hot!

We did so much and did 8 shows in total, spent lots of nights in the BOX where we were treated very well, lot's of Champagne and the shows were, eh hem, a little more risque than myself, but very entertaining, I look forward to seeing the London one next week. 

There are loads of pictures on Facebook as well if you look on there.

I miss you New York! 

I think Vegas will be next

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Paris - Beautiful Freaks

I had the pleasure to be back in Paris with Valentina Del Pearls and her le Burlesque Klub.
Brilliant cast of incredibly beautiful and freaky Parisian girls, Miss Glitter Pain Killer, Cerise Diva Champion, Shirel and the utterly beautiful Dyna Daggers. 
But I was not alone representing the UK as the mini hot rod Vendetta Vain entertained me for the night with her eye patch, balloons and mega green outfit!

Such a pleasure to be a part of this show!

Me and Cerise

Peter Pan Rimini

I had the pleasure of being invited to perform at Rimini's infamous Peter Pan Venue in Italy.
Voodoo Deluxe buddied me up with Ivan an incredible artistic director and costume maker.
It was a ridiculous club with so many confetti cannons, streamers, gorgeous people and amazing visuals everywhere!

I performed in between two stunning ladies adorned with Feathers and enormous diamond body jewels.

Here are a couple of little pics.

Paris Burlesque Festival 2011

I love this place, I love all the people and I was so happy to be involved again!

Some of my favourite performers were also out there so it was a real pleasure to a part of such a good show with such an amazing aray of performers.

I also got to spend a few days with my handsome Gruff walking the streets of Paris and taking in the Romantic sites, eating too much and drinking too much. But boy oh boy it was great fun!
