Bohemian Starlet

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Billie Rae website updated

My lovely Gruff has updated my website.

Oh how I love him. x

White Mink - 1920s Speakeasy Brighton

White Mink and the fabulous Nick Hollywood 'White Mink Black Cotton' put this club night on in Brighton, it is now going to be every first Saturday of the month at the Green Door Store, it's under the railway arches.

It was such a good vibe, the audience were incredibly responsive and the whole night had a really raw and bohemian feel. Lots of people dressed in ornate costumes and everyone made a real effort to get the atmosphere just right. It really did feel like the gin was in bath tubs and the rozzers were just round the corner ready for a bust.

Manouche were the main band of the night and they were a very slick and very talented group of musicians, and a really nice bunch. With old swing numbers and Django Reinhardt tributes they got the crowd jumping about and smiling.

A brilliant night and a fantastic Vibe, will be back there again soon hopefully!!


Gypsy Hotel Jan 2011

I had the pleasure of working with Paul Ronny Angel of Urban Voodoo Machine again at the new venue for Gypsy Hotel. It was in a bigger and better venue and had a lot more space to offer,

I was the last act on so had the pleasure of seeing all these guys, also I chatted most of the evening to photographer Sin Bozkurt (check out his stuff) who I had met before when he rescued me in the snow in Dec whilst performing at the Glory Box in Tunbridge Wells. He's a very nice chap and got these pictures from the show...
The beautiful Lady Ane Angel. She's so pretty...

The tail end of a fire ball

It was a great night and I thoroughly recommend it if you like gypsy beats and lot's of energy!!

Louis Vuitton - CHINA!!

Unfortunately there are no pictures to show from this yet...well there are one or two of my Hotel room but that isn't very interesting.

Within 4 days of finding out about the show in China I was there, it was quite literally unbelievable and I still feel as tho I dreamt the whole thing?

Having a mad rush to get visas was a bit hectic but it all worked out in the end and by the time in knew it I was on a plane from Heathrow...destination China!

It was very hard to sleep on the plane as there was a screaming baby and it was very squished and I haven't done a long haul flight since 2008 when I went to Japan, so it was all a bit hard work. Then there was an 8 hour wait in Beijing Airport for the connecting flight, that was a killer... I was one of those people with all my luggage around me sleeping.
...Just to top it off too, the taxi connection between the airport and hotel got a flat tyre. I thought we were about to get murdered in the middle of China, but nope just a puncture which we ended up helping them change it. Great.

The Louis Vuitton store was in the lobby of the 5star hotel (I had the pleasure of staying in for 2 nights, yesss ) which was absolutely brilliant!

After a long and well deserved nap I ate most of the buffet breakfast, I was particularly hungry.

The opening of the store was a bit mental, lots of dragon dancing, clapping and talking in chinese, also there were some Chinese celebs who were being mobbed by fans. I had people taking there picture with me too, I thought that was funny.
There was a very strange group of ladies all wearing yellow...don't know what that was about. Hardly anyone in China speaks English,  I speak no Chinese so communication was limited.
Anyways, after a couple of hours of very good looking people and a very well received set, the guys from Louis Vuitton seemed very pleased and I was done.
I ate most the buffet dinner and then hit the bar.

A huge bout of possibly post show jitters, pre flight nerves and jet lag meant that I woke up at 2am and did not get back to sleep, instead I watched hours of mind numbing Fashion TV and had a bath...roll on morning. Ate all of the breakfast buffet and went to the airport.
Homeward bound. In a sleep deprived haze I found everything hilarious and was moronic for most of the customs checks. They found not 1 but 4 bottles of water in my bag (no wonder it was so heavy) and then I beeped every time I walked through. Please let me me sleep now.

I listened to mainly Stephen Fry and David Attenborough on the plane and they helped me sleep a couple of hours, but by the time I reached home and saw my Gruff I had been up more than 30hours and made no sense, so like a child I was put to bed and told to go to sleep.

It was a whirl wind adventure and definitely something I would love to do again, lack of sleep was a small part and the whole thing was a great experience.


Louis Vuitton china did not give out goodie bags.


Tigz Rice Photo Shoot

I had the pleasure of working with the lovely and talented Tigz Rice earlier in the week.
I went to Tigz's studio where we spent the day snapping and chatting, changing and drinking tea. It was delightful.
Having spent the previous night in a casino till the early hours I think it went surprisingly well...

Here are a few of the pictures from the shoot.

To see the rest go to